Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Techie President

A lot of critics claim Obama's success may be due to his visibility on the Internet throughout his campaign. Once Obama was sworn into office earlier today, changes were made not only between President's residing in the White House, but also online to the official White House Web site as well as the profile for @thewhitehouse on Twitter.

The official White House Web site now:
and earlier this morning:

The updated Twitter profile for "The head of the Executive Branch":
Back in November, CNN provided viewers with a hologram image during election coverage. Today they provided images with a touch screen TV and a satellite Geo Eye image of "ant-like" people at the Mall during the inauguration. You can zoom in on the photo directly from their site for a larger view.

I'm interested to see what's next as far as our President and media advancing in technology and becoming more tapped into social media and the Web 2.0 world.

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