Friday, October 17, 2008

Shaking in my boots

Although I've preached, I've never actually stuck to the practice 100%... NEVER WALK HOME ALONE.

I decided to take my usual path up California, towards Nob Hill after a night out at the Polk St. bars. Around Larkin a guy pulled up in a white station wagon (old school) and whistled at me. I was on the phone with my friend Brigid, shook my head and said, "Umm.. NO." Seconds later he stepped on his gas to hit me... luckily I was almost across the street and started walking faster. I guess I understand that I may have been pushing his buttons by this time, but REALLY?!??!!

Right after the brief incident, I decided that I should probably watch his car drive off and make sure that I'm safe to continue walking. About 10 seconds later I witnessed him do a U-turn screeching up the hill towards me. He did a direct U-turn again to be on my side of the street and came directly towards me. Luckily I ducked between two large trucks and hid behind a large tire.

At this point I was scared out of mind and decided to stay on the phone until 1) Brigid came to pick me up or 2) a cab pulled over.

Thankfully I noticed a light, looked up and it was a cabbie dropping someone off. I told him the situation (while crying) and jumped into his cab. He gave me a ride to my place only three blocks away without charge.

The cabbie claimed that Polk St is a large prostitution area and he may have been a pimp or a pissed off guy.

Either way, I feel nervous and am completely freaked out. My neighborhood is supposed to be safe! Bottom line... NEVER WALK HOME ALONE.

The main reason I'm writing this is to write a somewhat clear description while it's semi-fresh in my mind:
1) white station wagon
2) Two dark brown long braids
3) long narrow face
4) slim body

This may not help much, but it will most likely help me sleep. I'm a little nerve wracked right now.


Stephanie Casher said...

My dearest Princess, please promise me you won't walk home alone again... I can't even imagine how scared you must have been :-(

plw said...

That's insane. Thank goodness you're OK.