Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cancer Sticks

Ever since my first year in college I began to notice one major difference between my college friends and friends from home - college friends don't smoke.

I've been arguing for years with my friends that I thought for some reason college educated individuals were less likely to smoke. The direct cause was uncertain, but I hypothesized it being due to boredom or stuck in a rut called home... not necessarily being lack of education.

I read this morning about a recent Harvard Medical study finding that "the more education people have, the less likely [they] are to smoke."

A recent Harvard Medical School study found that people with more than 12 years of formal education (even if it's only one year of college) live 18 months longer than those with fewer years of schooling. Why? The more education you have, the less likely you are to smoke. In fact, only about 10 percent of adults with an undergraduate degree smoke, compared with 35 percent of those with a high school education or less, according to the CDC.

Just a thought.

Side note: I'm suffering from smoke inhalation issues due to smoking a hooka a week and a half ago! This gives me one more reason as to why I have not been a fan of smoking , nor will I be smoking anything in the future. That and the commercial with the woman smoking out of a hole in her throat.

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