Monday, October 20, 2008

Park in Russian Hill

I've been using Yelp a lot lately to figure out local opinions about different locations including restaurants, museums, bars, theatres and even parks. Last week I visited Ina Coolbrith Park which is located only a few blocks away from my apartment.

The park is slightly hidden near Russian Hill St. up on a little hill. At the top of the park is a little patch of grass and a long wall where you can sit and look out to the Financial District and North Beach. To the right of the grass are steps that lead you down to Taylor St. where the park continues. Basically the Park is built on a hill connecting North Beach and Russian Hill, divided by a few main streets. The second section had a few benches along the paths. I even found one little corner called the "Poet's Corner" (noted on a boulder), that overlooked the Bay with a perfect view of Alcatraz.

I sat in this little getaway from the city (even though it's smack center of SF), listening to birds, reading a book, and even observing a butterfly land next to me! Only a few tourists and a couple of locals passed me the entire time.

I will definitely be going back to this quaint park again soon. If not for the picturesque view and calmness, but for the major hike and exercise back uphill.

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