Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Every night is Friday night

When I was at UCLA, here's how the weekly schedule normally panned out (feel free to pitch in if I've messed it up or forgotten a few days/places):

Monday - Margarita Mondays / pinnings / raids
Tuesday - Taco Tuesday @ Cabo Cantina or Pint night at Sepi's / raids
Wednesday - Can't remember (raids or date parties?)
Thursday - Frat night / party night
Friday - Recover from Thursday and go to Maloney's
Saturday - Boring night
Sunday - pint night at Maloney's

Living in SF is kind of like I never graduated from college. Haven't you heard that Thursday is the new Friday? Actually, in my opinion, every day except for Friday is the new Friday. :)

I told myself earlier in the week that I wouldn't go out until at least Thursday, probably Friday. However, Marissa is trying to convince me that I should go to Taco Tuesday tonight at Blue Light, but there's also Beach Chalet and Nick's Crispy Tacos! You can just see it in her eyes... T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

On the other hand, who can say no to two for ones of beer and tacos?!?!

With my MUNI pass gone and me trying to be good, I'll probably end up staying in for the night. Thoughts?

p.s. Mom and Dad, I really did study and learn a lot in college. At least I'm stable and have a job, right? :)

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