An interesting observation made by almost every person in the intercambio program is that there is an odd amount of people who constantly walk around with neck braces. For some odd reason it seems that almost every day we see someone who has a neck brace on either at school, the supermarket, on the bus, in the pharmacy, or even while on a leisure stroll. The most predominant weekend was after the “Puente” (three-day weekend). It seemed as if the number of people multiplied and I could not step outside of my classroom without seeing at least one person with a neck brace. The best is when you see two people both with neck braces, engaging in a conversation.
With this in mind, this past weekend I had the honor of attending a “Fiesta de los collarines.” Every person in attendance had to wear a neck brace. It was more of a way of embracing the fact that everyone wears them and making fun of the issue at the same time. The party was a hit and I even decorated mine to read, “VIVA MEXICO.” My friend Ismael on the other hand wrote on his, “PINCHE CAMION.”
Good times as always.
Interesante! Saludos
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