Sunday, October 25, 2009


Since I arrived in GDL back in July, a few things have definitely stuck out as surprising, hilarious, or interesting:

* The teens and like all wear Ed Hardy, Abercrombie, American Eagle and Hollister
* Same color outfits are considered OK (purple pants with a purple shirt with purple shoes with a purple hairband, earrings, and belt)
* It's considered socially acceptable for men/boys to whistle, yell, chant or say things to girls as they pass by to acknowledge they think the girls/woman are good-looking
* Limes and salsa/hot sauce go with everything
* Practically EVERYONE has a significant other. A lot of the times guys claim they have a girlfriend, but not to worry. I guess a lot more "open relationships"
* People stare A LOT
* Some clubs are incredibly hard to get into. Bouncers will point and say, "you, but not you (to a friend)
* When in doubt and you're hungry, you know that you will stumble upon a fruit cart or taco stand sooner rather than later
* Despite prior warnings, the girls dress exactly like the girls in the states do when going out
* Beer is cheaper than water
* People always want to know your last name so they can look you up on Facebook
* Jeans w/o butt pockets are a big hit here (think back to Britney Spears "I love rock n' roll" time w/hip hugging low rider jeans sans pockets
* Songs guaranteed to be played at bars and clubs are: "I've got a feeling..." "Sex on Fire," "When you were young" "I know you want me"
* All the cover bands sing Cold Play and Kings of Leon

Just a few for now. I'm sure by the end of my journey I will be listing off similar items which I miss about Mexico.

1 comment:

optimistrising said...

think I remember you having a pair of those jeans!