Thursday, August 6, 2009

School's NOT OUT for Summer

I have been lacking on updating my blog due to the overabundance amount of school and homework I've had in the past three weeks. My classes consist of 20 students, all of which are in my same program and are from California. Every morning, Monday through Friday, my classes begin bright and early at 8 a.m. Depending on the day, I may take anywhere from two to three classes which are ALL IN SPANISH. Trust me, I am definitely not bilingual... YET.

I understand the gist of majority of my classes, but I definitely get caught up on phrases or words which completely stump me. I swear one of my teachers talks without even pausing or taking a breath!!

So, long story short... after school, I eat a big lunch, take a 15 minute power nap and get down to the grind with my homework. Majority of my homework consists of a few hours of readings in Spanish on theory and discipline and anywhere from 30 minutes - 5 hours of writing!!

But don't worry. I'm still finding time to squeeze in a bit of leisure time with salsa classes twice a week and going out at least once a week.

1 comment:

amelia said...

Great pix of the university. Keep studying! You'll be bilingual before you know it.