Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caffeine is NOT my friend

I spent six hours today studying at Starbucks and ended up seeing what I drank come back up again. I know, pretty disgusting and most likely TMI (Too Much Information). Since I'm allergic to caffeine, I should've known better and only ordered one cup of coffee. Buzz, negativo.

In my defense, I woke up in such a daze this morning and was still exhausted this afternoon that I convinced myself I needed the extra dosage and cup. Well everyone, I am now laying on my couch at home feeling like I am going to vomit (again), with every strand of my hair smelling like Starbucks making me relive the horrible afternoon.

Guaranteed I will be getting coffee or tea again tomorrow. It's cutting down to the final two days before this H-E-double hockey sticks is over.

Back to studying and reteaching myself life science, earth science and history. BLAH.

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