Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Self Defense

Last week we had a little girls night slash happy hour in Sacramento at Club Mix, a new hot spot in Sac. Two interesting things happened while we were there:

1) The Governator was sitting literally 20 feet away from us at an outdoor table around a fire pit. It looked like he was with a bunch of lobbyists or something. Consensus? He is fairly short and I wish I had asked to take a pic with him since the place was pretty empty. Missed my shot!

2) My friend Rhianna showed up with a knife in her pocket. Her husband gave her the knife to protect herself since he wouldn't be there to protect her! Man, oh man!

Knowing Rhianna, if anything did happen to her, the knife would probably get turned against her. Not sure if this is the brightest idea, but it was pretty funny when she showed up and revealed her secret. She could probably get arrested for concealing a weapon.

All in all, the girls night ended up being a very interesting night.


plw said...

Haha, that pic is priceless. Rhi might want to invest in some pepper spray, though.

Anonymous said...

So funny! Love it! Hey I could protect myself...

Anonymous said...

Todd is so paranoid!

Juice and Justice said...

yes. she can get arrested and charged w/ carrying a concealed weapon. it's a misdemeanor.