Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lie for Your Life

As mentioned before, my grandma Lola is quite a crack up. She has a lot of classic one liners and we just have to laugh it off because she's old. Unfortunately, she became quite ill prior to Thanksgiving and is now living with my parents. I lucked out [sarcasm] because I am now the temporary primary caregiver for her on weekdays and back to my apartment in SF on the weekends.

A few classic quotes since I started taking care of her:

Lola to me: "Where did you get your freckles from?"
Me: "I've had them since I was little from being in the sun too much."
Lola: "Oh... I don't like. You should wear cover up to hide them. They're not very pretty."

Lola to me: "You look more like your dad. [pause] Except you're not white."

Lola to a doctor at Kaiser: "This is my angel granddaughter. She's 25, graduated from UCLA and single." wink, wink

Another classic Lola story occurred during dinner last night. We were talking about how she lied to some people in her Couples for Christ group who wanted to visit at 8 a.m. earlier that day. She told me that she told them they could not come so early because I would be getting her ready for the day and busy cleaning/making breakfast. Although this is accurate, my mom revealed the truth since she was sitting next to Lola during the phone conversation. Lola had actually told them that nurses and a physical therapist were coming by and that she would be busy all day! The underlying truth is she’s very worried about how she looks and does not want anyone to see her unless it’s family.

After her secret was revealed, below is the convo between Lola and my mom:

Lola: "You call tell a lie to protect yourself. When you are accused by the government that you killed someone, you can lie."
Mom: "But what if you killed somebody?"
Lola: "That’s it. You lie. You lie to protect yourself. "

Slightly skewed on what’s right and wrong, but you can’t blame the old woman.


Unknown said...

Filipino grandparents are the best. They say the darnest things and they don't know it...

plw said...

You don't have to lie to the government, just plead the fif!

Juice and Justice said...

i want to meet lola!

Jenniferbeautifulmeshow said...

I really need/want to meet Lola. She sounds absolutely hilarious. A woman after my own heart, in fact. ;)